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Chair for Gender Medicine

General Information

Definition of Sex and Gender

What does "Sex" mean?
Sex is the biological condition of being male or female, defined by genes, hormones and sexual organs. Sex is
binary, male or female, with possible variations in the expression of specific features leading to intersex

What does "Gender" mean?
Gender includes the social, psychological, cultural and behavioral aspects of being a man, woman, or other
gender identity in a given sociocultural environment at a given time. Gender is a multidimensional construct
that links gender identity, gender expression, and social and cultural expectations about status,
characteristics, and behavior, that are associated with sex traits. 

What is Gender Medicine?
Gender Medicine, also known as Sex- and Gender-specific Medicine, addresses the biological and sociocultural
differences inherent to each individual and their impact on health and disease. 

Modified from: Prof. Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Charité Berlin
