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Chair for Gender Medicine

Clinical Care

Gender Medicine in Cardiology

Cardiovascular diseases are very common; however, there are often significant sex- and gender-specific differences in diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment, disease progression, risk factors, and more. This necessitates individualized care, supported by a sex- and gender-sensitive approach. Therefore, we are seeing patients in the Department of Cardiology at the USZ Heart Center and offer the following services:

A Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment
Your physician will thoroughly review your medical history, current medications, and risk profile, perform an initial physical examination, and may order further diagnostic tests. Based on these findings, an optimized treatment plan can be developed.

Cardiovascular Risk Factors
We will evaluate and discuss the management of your cardiovascular risk factors, paying particular attention to to sex- and gender-specific risks.

Cardiovascular Diseases
We support the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases, some of which predominantly affect women. Examples include:

  • Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
  • Small Vessel Disease
  • Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy
  • Pregnancy-related Complications
  • Heart failure (especially heart failure with preserved ejection fraction)
  • Heart diseases related to autoimmune disorders 
  • Counseling on Hormone Replacement Therapy

Cardiac Care for Individuals with Biological and Sociocultural Gender Variations
We provide cardiac care tailored to individuals who have undergone social, hormonal, or surgical gender transition.

USZ Gender Medicine Cardiology

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